It's not because I've run out of stories, or things to say, or that I'm bored.
In fact, I'm crushingly disappointed in myself. Like I'm abandoning yet another project. But I'm not. This really started out as a Thirty Days to Thirty thing, and it's gone long past that. Am I sad I couldn't hack a full year? Of course. But I'd rather put the brakes on now (and I'm not sure if it's permanent or not) than keep churning out crap and then disappearing for weeks. I want the entries I write here to be good, to mean something to both of us. For a while now, they haven't.
(The Artist's Process)
And all of that has to do with me. I need to focus on putting the
pieces back together. I am not happy with how my life has turned out, and that needs to be remedied. Maybe that was the point of this blog all along. To take stock and realize it needs to be more. That I want to be more. And I need to expect better, from others as well as myself. I spent a lot of time yesterday thinking about all the paths I have taken, and ones I wish I'd forged instead.That's a lesson I would have liked to learn privately, but that's life, right?
A friend asked me recently what my plans were for the, life plans. He told me where he saw himself in the next thirty or so years, who he wanted to be, and what he wanted to have accomplished. I was impressed. His goals are noble. Hard work. Business. Travel. Family. Enjoying life. When he asked me what I saw myself doing "big picture" I struggled. He could tell I was floundering and gently scaled it back to "5 year plan."
And I couldn't even cough up one of those. I told him what is my truth - every plan I have made as an adult has fallen apart (often in spectacular and gruesome fashion), and now I'm too scared to even admit to myself what I might want out of life, for fear that it too will never come to pass. I don't know what I want. I can barely see ahead to next month, and that's just a few blips on the old Google Calendar. This isn't being a free spirit or anything. This is drifting. I feel like Megan Draper (pre-season five finale for those of you crazy enough to NOT watch "Mad Men") adrift, hopeless, and unsure of "what I'm good for."
Now I need to find out. I'll let you know when I do.
Until then, thanks for coming along, the kind words, and the encouragement.
I'm out.