Friday, March 1, 2013


"Boof." is decidedly the sound I emit upon a deep sigh.

2013 has been tres boof.

Oui. This entry shall be laced avec terrible, fourth-grade French. Most likely because I had the enormous experience of seeing the great comedian Eddie Izzard try out some new material at a very petite venue Wednesday night in SoHo. And nothing is more impressive than someone who is hilarious in a multitude of languages.
 It was so much fun!! I actually shrieked with delight when he came out on stage. I meet celebrities often in my line of work, but to suddenly be 30 feet away from one of the funniest and cleverest men on Earth.....exciting. Really, really great. Does his set need polishing? Definitely. But the skeleton of his next show, to be titled "Force Majeure" I believe, is very strong. The way his mind works is simply incredible - all these thoughts, constantly making jumps and connections, all while cracking jokes, is really a thing to behold. I feel like he sees EVERYTHING. Nothing goes unnoticed. I'm so happy I could go.

Where was I? Right. Boof.

I'm sorting out some nonsense (yes. nonsense. ALREADY) with the boiler in the new place, having to accept the fact that my landlord doesn't really give a fuck as long as he gets his money. BUT it's not a deal breaker and I'm starting to settle in a bit. There is still a great bit of DIY/TLC/Other Acronym for "needs work" to be done but I'll get there. It'll be cool. At some point I might even buy a chair so I can have company. Or not. Solitude suits me alarmingly well. Just like Superman!
(Superman's Fortress of Solitude is like a big, icy Louvre)
(Oui? Resemblance?)

What else is going on....oh, I'm participating in a writer's group for the first time in years. I really enjoy it. It's forcing me to dust off my brain and think in ways I haven't in far too long. I need to be pushed, and this is a great start. Maybe my blog entries will suck just a bit less with some practice.

(insert "Les Poissons" maniacal laughter here)