Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day Two: Writer's Block

For the past two years or so, I've had a pretty brutal case of writer's block. You might be thinking "but you said you had a play on. You said there are more plays. This blog exists. Maybe you don't actually know what you're talking about."
Here's the dealio:
The play I had on was written (mostly, with a few adjustments) in 2008.
Since then I've written 3 more scripts, none of which I think are really "ready." I've just handed one over to a trusted friend and fellow writer, who I'm hoping will tear it to pieces, and subsequently help me figure out how to fix and finish it. Because it's not great. And I want it to be great. It's got good idea and concepts, but as a piece of writing, it's a hot fucking mess.
I'm struggling to finish a 10 page play. 10. Pages. Wtfail.
And yes. This blog exists. But what I want to be writing are stories. Really good, interesting stories that make you think and move you. I live in one of the greatest cities for new plays in the world. I want to be part of that, not sitting on the sidelines dreaming. TNA is more of a stream-of-consciousness, sometimes funny, sometimes serious essay collection. It's really my poor homage to superior writer (and playwright!) Mindy Kaling, whose blog "Things I Bought That I Love" evolved into "The Concerns of Mindy Kaling" (http://theconcernsofmindykaling.com/) which I could consume (and have, at times) for hours on end. I adore her writing style. It has the wit and ease of conversing with a wickedly awesome old friend who likes all the same silly shit that you do.

But I need to get back to plays. I need to take all the crazy notes I made in my iPhone while I was half-asleep and produce actual scripts from them. (Side note: Half-asleep iPhone notes are the best. Because I'm either a genius, or I want to produce some kind of play that involves burning leaves, bicycles and pancakes). I need to submit for projects and grants. I need this very badly, and now that I know it's what I NEED and not just WANT, there is a renewed vigor. Because I can't give it up. It's a life that I'm not willing to let go of. It's a community that I desperately miss being part of. None of this can happen, however, if I don't make some adjustments in the way I work.

I need to finish that stupid 10 page play this week. (Did it last night. Mailed it off to another trusted friend with the note "the ending sucks." Progress!)
I need to write 5 pages of script every day. (Weekends off). I don't really believe that "if you're a writer you have to write every day" but I'm trying to instill some discipline, so for the time being, until the ball gets rolling creatively again, I'll hold myself to this.

All this being said, I am sleepy and would like a nap. Or a snack? DAMMIT.