Friday, August 31, 2012

Day Twenty-Six: And Then There Was Weekend...

Fingers crossed (and I have super long fingers, so obviously all my wishes come true*) that I get released from work early today for the Labor Day long weekend.

*Uhm, like 1 in 24 of my wishes come true.

That being said, I'm feeling pretty good heading into the weekend. Lots to be feeling cheerful and grateful for. "Other Fam" seems to be doing much much better, I totally nailed my Gluten-free week (going to attempt to expand into next week) and dodged a bullet (Bang! Don't Bang!) avoiding the advances of a guy who was not worth the time.

I suppose this week's theme could be described as "staying true to ____."
Staying true to my loyalties.
Staying true to my healthier-living resolution.
Staying true to myself by holding out for something real with someone worth it.

Now. Reality check. I will inevitably falter.

I will be totally thoughtless.
I will gorge on pizza until I'm like Pizza the Hut.
(I Google-Imaged "Pizza the Hut" from Spaceballs but was still so totally grossed out I can't bring myself to post his picture. Subsequently, I will instead give you a shot of delicious pizza, which I am craving so much it's kind of embarrassing.)
Half an hour later.....

Now that I'm done drooling over pixel images of pizza, where was I? Oh yass.
I'm really holding firm on the last one. Something real with someone worth it.  This doesn't mean all my decisions will suddenly be perfect, but I hope they'll be smarter.

Last but not least, guys...I'm struggling. I don't mind that Clint Eastwood is a Republican. I don't. He's a very talented man who's had an extraordinary life and career. But can we all agree that the "talking to the chair" bit at the RNC was SUPER embarrassing? I'm pretty sure most of America was a bit uncomfortable. Like "Grandpa, I'm sitting over here. Nobody is in that chair."