Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day Twenty: Seeing Ghosts

Grabbing a quick moment to write, in between grocery shopping, errand running, and cleaning up the domestic. Sitting on the couch drinking V8 and munching on kale chips like a massive, health-conscious yuppie tool. But OK with it for now. The kale is so damn good.
This is what I'm eating right now. For realsies. 9-Year-Old Me is so dismayed.

Yesterday I had TWO instances where I thought I saw people I used to know. I was absolutely living that Gotye song. They're not dead (I've had those moments too and they freaked me the fuck out) but the people are "ghosts" from my life, as in they are not present anymore. And I know that genetic makeup limits how many variations of "looks" there are, but geez man, two ghosts in one day?

*I thought I saw P. I was sitting outside having lunch with C, when a guy walked by who looked just like him, down to the hair (color AND style) and aviator sunglasses. And while in the moment I "knew" it wasn't him, now I'm second guessing myself. There's no way P would be in this part of town, dressed in business attire. He works uptown and wears jeans and plaid button-downs. Also, he hates businessmen. It wasn't him. But I guess what mattered was my reaction - startled, for sure, but I didn't feel like I was going to throw up or pass out. I felt a bit sad for a moment, then just said to myself "It's not him" and refocused on my conversation with C. Good, I think. Good.

*Later on that evening, I went out with C and B (visit more often, B!) and thought I saw a girl I haven't spoken to in years. We used to be very close friends. I adored her. She wasn't without her flaws, even during our friendship I knew that, but I had such happy memories of our time together - mix tapes, coffees, and long talkative drives - that I didn't mind. And then, to make a very long story short, everything fell apart, she referred to someone I love as "the devil" and I was done. But then the person I'd be breathing much too shallowly behind turned around and it wasn't her. Deep sigh of relief. One day. Two bullets dodged.

Last thought, not on ghosts...

*I don't think Robert Pattinson (OF COURSE I HAVE OPINIONS ON THIS) should get back together with Kristen Stewart. He can forgive her, that's his choice or no, but sometimes a person is simply a cheater. And it's best not to continue to be with them. I really do believe that there's no such thing as "getting lost in the moment" with infidelity. I had an opportunity to cheat once in a relationship. And I was sorely tempted. But I didn't, because I have been cheated on myself, and would never do that to my partner, even if my feelings and desires to stray were a clear indication we were heading towards our conclusion. I strongly believe we owe a modicum of respect to at least the memory of what the relationship was. You want out? Then get out. After that you're free to do whatever you want with others. Cheating sucks.

*I am somewhat alarmed that all I've talked about today are my eating habits, disdain for cheaters, and fear of running into people I used to love. I am so lame. Argh. Hmph. Here is a picture of Kool-Aid Man.

Sweet, fruity anarchy! Oh Yeahhhh! Happy Saturday. x