Monday, November 12, 2012

There Comes A Time To Answer...And It's Now

Today's post comes with a companion piece, which if you AREN'T already an angry and depressed (yet brilliant and well informed!) person such as myself, you might want to avoid....

That's right. The title alone explains it. Jezebel noticed an alarming post-election trend on Twitter, about young people, mostly high-schoolers, using vitriolic, racially-charged hate speech in regards to the Commander-In-Chief. It's OK if you don't agree with the President. Recent election indicates that a very large amount of the country does not agree with him! BUT that doesn't mean it's OK to call him (or anyone) racial epithets on Twitter. This isn't about politics. It's about being held accountable for your actions.

Now, the rest of this I'm going to divide into sections: Full Disclosure, Opinions and Rage.

Full Disclosure: I really enjoy the articles posted on Jezebel. They make me think and react, and that's a good thing. I like to feel alive (even if it's with bad feelings) when I read things. I'd love to contribute to their site someday.

Opinions: These kids most certainly must face up to the consequences of their actions. You cannot have both sides of the free speech coin. Yes, you can say whatever you want, but you also have to face the music when people respond to what you said. Those who made direct threats (and yes, some were stupid enough to do just that) should get a little visit from the Secret Service. And the schools SHOULD be informed, not only because they've got some serious work to do (half these assholes can't spell and it's tragicomic) in terms of education BUT all these kids used accounts with their real names on it, and frequently post about their high schools. Go Spartans! Subsequently, all these schools are tied to ignorant, racist remarks via a simple Google search. Nice one!

Rage: They most likely learned such baseless hate from their parents. I mean, they're not calling President Obama a (God I hate even typing this) "nigger" or a "monkey" because they don't appreciate his foreign policy, or his stance on the economy. They hate the color of his skin. It's 2012, guys. Minorities aren't going to be minor much longer. So I'd suggest shaping up your attitude real quick.

Full Disclosure: Though most of the Twitter accounts have been deleted, some are still up and continuing to post, (I checked) including this one particularly defiant girl, Demi's.

Opinion: She wears her hatred like a coat of stupid with a zip-out lining of too much self worth. This kid thinks she's God's gift to planet Earth. She's actually the most pathetic one of them all.

Rage: Karma's a bitch, bitch. You'll get yours. And I hope it's hell.

Full Disclosure: Many people are upset with Jezebel for the expository nature of this piece, and call it "internet bullying of kids."

Opinion: 1.) These kids would be tried as adults in a court of law. They are old enough to know better. 2.) If they are old enough to have access to a global forum such as Twitter, they are old enough to get the backlash and public shitshow that ensues when they say something blatantly offensive. Like that girl Kristen Neel who tweeted about "the Christian President of Australia" which is in truth, the agnostic, female Prime Minister. Details, details. WHY ARE SO MANY AMERICAN KIDS EPIC FAILURES? The ones who casually throw around such hateful speech should most certainly face disciplinary action in their schools and communities. 3.) Maybe these kids should realize that internet bullying (of anyone, but in this case the PRESIDENT, you idiots) comes with a price.

Rage: I hope this incident follows them forever, hanging over like a black cloud of shame. I hope it fucks up all their (slim, I mean, seriously look at the spelling) chances of attending college. I hope it means they'll struggle. It's time to learn, and hateful people often need to learn the hard way.
It's time to answer for hate and ignorance. It's time to take responsibility for our actions.

The freedom to say what you want comes with consequences. That's why it's a freedom. It ain't free.