Well, I'm recanting. Less than a week. Fuck that noise.
Talking with my fellow single ladies....well it looks a little something like this.
Just another Tuesday at my place...
Seriously, though. I know many fine women who keep actual lists of things that they want (or in some cases, don't want, which are colloquially referred to as "dealbreakers" in a partner.)
I don't think I'm asking too much when I demand:
1. Mutual respect
2. Intelligent discourse
3. Attraction
4. Laughter
But apparently I am!! Yesterday, I realized that somebody I had been interested in is not at all the person he was portraying himself as. And I was BUMMED OUT. The fact that I will have to tell this dude I don't want anything to do with him upsets me. It's weird. I have this bizarre notion of wanting to "do right by everybody" but more often than not I need to actually tell some people to go fuck themselves. I just hate the blowback. Does any of this make sense?
Come on life. I have very little going for me right now. Throw me a freakin' bone here.