Monday, October 15, 2012

State of the Union: Presented by Microsoft Paint

When we last left our heroine....she was very flattered her blog had received over 7,000 views.....but still, she was having a hard time focusing, and was instead enjoying the rewards of playing with Microsoft Paint...

It was October, the wonderful autumn season. Her roommate had brought home a carved jack-o-lantern, and she wanted to get in on the fun...
Her self-esteem was suffering due to mosquito bites making her look like that poor tribute who got stung to death by tracker jackers in The Hunger Games....

Also she seemed on track for a solid Bad Hair Month....

The man she pined for at the office continued to be wonderful but clueless....
All you need to understand the following picture is thus:
The brown cube hiding my lower half is my desk.
His legs are blue lines because they are skinny jeans.
Yes, that IS a lightning bolt.

And the writing was slow. She's working on some projects. But her focus is off. Except for this blog. You're welcome, I guess?

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