Despite the fact that I saw that chick I loathe take a wicked punch to the face the other day, (I saw it happen in the studio across from the one I was in, and I exclaimed - joyously? - DAYUM!) it just hasn't been as much fun. Sensei has been absent the last few weeks, and I don't know where he is. I don't know if he's injured, or off in another world, fighting in some kind of amazing Mortal Kombat-style tourney. Go Sensei, Go! You can totally defeat Sub-Zero.
Confession: I love the Mortal Kombat movie. To the point where I bought it. I know what you're thinking....FINISH HER!
So Sensei is elsewhere (and the guy teaching the class now is totally not invested...he's always wandering off and leaving the room during sets!)...and I have no friends. Granted, I began training months ago hot off a major meltdown, so lack of friends didn't concern me. I went to the early evening class, and had a good partner, Ramia, who is a dentist. We were a great match. But when I got a new job and had to start going to the late night classes, I didn't have Ramia anymore. Suddenly I'm Johnny-No-Mates and it sucks. And the late-night people...I'm not thrilled.
What I'll miss? Killer arms. What I won't? Those FUCKING STUPID white ninja pants.
Seriously. I'mma burn 'em.
After my year is up, I'm wondering what to try next? At first I thought, I'll just keep up my walking to work thing and it'll be fine. Oh, yes. I'm walking to and from work (unless I'm running late, but I've been pretty good) and according to Google Maps, it's about 4.2 miles a day. This seems like a good amount of exercise, no? And I'm saving money that would usually go to subway fare. Win-Win. But guys, I'm 30. Calories don't burn themselves. This is not the time to take it easy! There needs to be something else, preferably something fun and interesting that not only holds my attention, but helps me get out of my own head for an hour or so a day. Especially at this point in my life is this important, both for body and mind.
Here are two things that I'm going to drop in on and see what's up:
In spite of the fact that I have, in my lifetime, fallen off a trampoline and given myself a black eye flipping on one, I still love them. In some cultures, this is called a death wish. Seriously though, who doesn't love to bounce and fly high?! This is a legitimate question. I feel it's inherent in human nature to want to defy gravity and soar. And if I can do a flip or something while I'm up in the air, so much the better. Trampoline is not only fun, but a fantastic workout focusing on core and leg strength. There are drop-in trampoline classes for beginners at the Trapeze School of NY, so I think that's definitely in my future. Just to see. There are loads of safety precautions so idiots like myself don't get killed.
Even foxes love to trampoline!!
I haven't been to a proper dance class since my junior year of college, but it doesn't mean I've given up the funk. I love to dance. There are some really fun-looking classes in jazz, hip-hop and ballet for out-of-shape/practice adults at the Alvin Ailey Extension, so I think I'll do a few drop-ins. Why the hell not? Isn't this the time of life to try things you're not really sure you can do? Push a little bit? Enjoy busting the moves before your knees give out? Yeah. (HA. Right after I typed that I had a crazy cramp in my lower back. Need to stretch more. Maybe I'll fit a yoga class in there somewhere too.)
Having tried all these cool things -boxing, trampoline, dance etc. I will be well on my way to fulfilling my dream of becoming some kind of superheroine. Or Alias-esque superspy. Or...a woman who can take care of herself. Which is so important.
Ladies, I think we should all be our own superheroes.
Just thinking out loud.